Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Indoor Fun

We're coming into the warmer spring weather here and relishing the opportunity to enjoy some outdoor activities again.  But, after 10 years of drought, let's hope there are still plenty of rainy days to come.  So here's a look at some of our favourite indoor activities from the past couple of months.

There's always a few sheets of stickers about the house for those times when a 'miminal supervision' activity is called for.

It's possible that I place too much emphasis on 'minimal' and not enough on 'supervision' though.  These stickers always seem to end up on the fridge, the table, the carpet, the cat...

I found these masks at our local Officeworks store.  But there are heaps of templates on the web.

ALL the cushions from the lounge suite are required to make a pirate ship, train, cubby house, cat bed, etc.

Painting is always fun.  We didn't have anything in mind for these egg cartons when Short Daughter decorated them.  But we kept them and eventually they became flowers, bells and bowls for mini marshmallows.

Short Daughter came up with this one herself.  She arranged the books in a circle and lay down in the centre.  This is her house. It is now night-night time. And Mummy has to fetch her a blanket... 'Please'.

I don't know whether it's a three-year-old thing, or all the crafting we do with recycled stuff; but she is becomming so incredibly creative.  Give her a stick and it can go from being a tree, to a drumstick, to a pet, to a magic wand, to a paintbrush, to a baton, to a screwdriver, to a fork... all within a matter of minutes.


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